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231 East 22nd Street, Suite 23 New York NY 10010

Fax: +88 (0) 202 0000 001

LOCATION: Miami Florida

YEAR: 2015

DEVELOPER: Cambridge Swinerton Builders Inc.

ARCHITECT: Dwell Design Studio

SUPPLY DETAILS: 372 kitchens  

Located in Jacksonville, Florida, the three- and four-story Brooklyn Riverside apartment community demonstrates that wood is a cost-effective material of choice for multifamily construction. In Florida’s humid coastal climate, moisture management was a key design consideration. Wood structural sheathing panels were used as an exterior applied air barrier, and breezeway entries and garage slabs were dropped 6” from adjacent finished floors and slope toward the exterior. Additionally, perimeter isolation strips were used within each unit, between the gypcrete, wall finish and baseplate. The four- and three-story Brooklyn Riverside, which was delivered in April 2015, is marked by bold festive colors and jaunty cantilevers. The aesthetic bears an unmistakable SoBe vibe. It’s a design bet that is an “absolute home run” for the developer and the community.